Here's everything you need to know for Leap Day 2024 if you choose to jump in with us.
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For Tomorrow...

Wednesday Words:
Issue No. 273

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PRE-S: If you’re one of the hundreds of new people who’ve found Ei over the past month, Experience Institute has turned Leap Day into a bit of a holiday, and we're inviting you to celebrate with us. Here’s an update and a few helpful resources!

As of today, we now have over 70 gatherings happening around the world tomorrow. Incredible!

Maybe you’ve even thought about gathering a few colleagues for a lunch or a virtual happy hour — or inviting some friends for an evening meetup. But you decided to hold off. And now, you’re wondering if you can still put something together…

If that’s you, we’re here to help.

Here’s everything we’ve designed and shared with the good folks around the world who are hosting Leap Gatherings. Take a look and maybe you’ll be inspired to make something happen. Our hunch is that you’ll be glad you did. 

Let’s jump in!

1) The Purpose:
First, think about why you want to host a gathering:

  • The world feels messy and isolating — discussing Leaps is an opportunity to connect with others, listen to challenges and hopes, and explore meaningful ways forward in both life and work.

  • Work has felt transactional and choppy. This is a chance to connect with your team on a deeper level and create more of a culture of belonging and growth. 

  • We’re all making choices that are important and can feel unwieldy. This is a chance to discuss with others and simplify the thinking around decision making, and even make it fun. 

  • You’ve been sitting on something — an idea, a trip, a product, a retreat, a pause, a creative act — and you can’t sit any longer

2) The People

Who do you want to bring together? 3 friends? An entire team? Your Instagram group thread? Your family? Anyone goes. 

Here’s an invitation you can use to get them excited. Take it and put it into your own voice!

3) The Place

Where can you bring people together? The office, a local restaurant, a friend’s art studio, a park, your dining table, Zoom room? No wrong answers. Keep it easy. Keep it light. 

4) The Program:
Here’s where we’ve done a lot of the lift for you.

  • Here’s a detailed sample facilitator agenda to guide your gathering, and a printable program for attendees.

  • And here’s the corresponding Leap Mat. Yes, as in a table placemat — because most of the gatherings will include food or drink! People can do this solo, in pairs, or as a guided group conversation. Just print one out for each participant.

Note: I’ll be printing the attendee program and the Leap Mat on two sides of the same sheet — one for each guest.

5) The Post-Event:

After Leap Day, we’re piloting two (free) ways to support everyone’s Leaps. You can sign up for 2-months of email nudges OR you can join an 8-week mini cohort where we’ll offer coaching sessions every other week. We’re calling these Leap Clubs!

Then, on April 29th, we’ll invite anyone who took a Leap to tell their story in our first “Leap Talks” of the year. 

And that’s it! 

If you want to see the entire host kit in one place, stop by here

And if you only want to attend a virtual event, we have ~150 people signed up to join us for our virtual session tomorrow at 1pm - 2:30pm CT. Register here.

There’s no cost to any of this. But we hope there’s real value to you and yours. We simply want to keep supporting this community throughout this year. 

If you decide to do something, can you let us know? Just reply to this email. Or send a note to & They’ve been the power-team who’ve made all of this really come to life. Thanks Erin & Nic!

Whatever you decide to do, know that tomorrow can be more than just another day. What will you do? What Leap will you launch? 

Happy Wednesday,
Victor and the Ei Team

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Being an amazing host can mean opening your home so that others can open up themselves. If you're getting ready for your Leap Day Gathering, here are some encouraging words from Victor and some inspiration from his mom. 

Ready to take your next Leap, but not sure where to start? That's what our Leap Kits are for. Purchase one here to launch your next leap today. (By the way, keep your eyes peeled for a Leap Day discount, coming soon...) 

Want to see a Leap Day Gathering in action? Check out this video from our 2016 Leap Day Gathering, hosted with out friends from Gravity Tank and Chicago Ideas. It was such a special night! 


Quote Worth Sharing

“We cannot seek achievement for ourselves and forget about progress and prosperity for our community... Our ambitions must be broad enough to include the aspirations and needs of others, for their sakes and for our own.”

- Cesar Chavez

Most Popular Read

Last week's most popular read was to 224 ice breaker questions for any type of gathering by Good Good Good. Keep a couple in your back pocket for your Leap Day Gathering!

About Wednesday Words

Wednesday Words is designed and written by the team at Experience Institute, a learning studio igniting motivation and purpose through transformational learning experiences we call Leaps. Thanks for reading. We're glad you're here. 

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