Do you remember what you were doing 12 years ago? I do. I was organizing my first-ever...
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12 years ago...

Wednesday Words:
Issue No. 272

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Do you remember what you were doing 12 years ago? 

I do. 

I was organizing my first-ever Leap Day Gathering. My good friend Sam Rosen offered his co-working space as the venue, a group of friends helped to produce the event, we got the food donated, and we invited “Leapers” from around Chicago to tell their stories. This set the stage for everything that would follow.

In 2016…

Experience Institute was a still a young company. We chose to do it again! This time in partnership with an amazing organization called Chicago Ideas Week and a globally renowned innovation studio called gravitytank (now part of Salesforce). That year, we also funded the Leap Kit a physical product that encapsulated our learning process and a tool that anyone could use to design their Leaps. This was the first night that product took flight:

Then, in 2020…
We decided to expand these gatherings to 10 cities. And with the help of talented, caring friends, we pulled it off. Those dinners changed people’s lives. Since then, attendees have shared stories of shifting careers, launching businesses, sparking new projects and making lifelong friends — all from that night.

Unfortunately, 2 weeks later, COVID became a reality and the rest of our plans for 2020 were shelved.

Now it’s 2024.
And we've chosen to do something different. Afew months ago we invited anyone, anywhere to host an event on Leap Day. As of today there are ~50 gatherings planned for February 29th, 2024. And of course, I’m even planning one of the events in Chicago again — thinking through a schedule, space, food, and the overarching experience. 

Most importantly, all of the hosts are thinking through the people. Their hopes and ideas. Their creative edges or unspoken ambitions. The changes they want to see in their workplaces, careers, and communities. 

Because that’s what this is all about.
Growth doesn’t just happen in a classroom, or a workshop, or a presentation. Experiences aren’t just “big” occurrences that require tons of time and resources. You don’t need someone else’s permission to Leap. It starts today. 

And Leap year is just as fascinating today as it was back in 2012 — the extra day in the calendar year, the simple naming that’s built-in, the cadence of it all. Why not try to use it for good? To spark learning, change, community, and growth?  

All you need next is a group of people, a starting point, a plan, and some nudges along the way.

How about you?  

Where were you 12 years ago? Where are you today? And what’s your next Leap in your life or work? 

All signs point towards starting soon. We'll all be in your corner. 

Happy Wednesday,

Victor and the Ei Team

PS: If you’re available on the 29th and want to join our virtual Leap session from 1:00 to 2:30pm CT, register here. We’d love to have you. 

Join Virtual Leap Day Gathering

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Quote Worth Sharing

“The world is so empty if one thinks only of mountains, rivers & cities; but to know someone who thinks & feels with us, & who, though distant, is close to us in spirit, this makes the earth for us an inhabited garden.”

- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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About Wednesday Words

Wednesday Words is designed and written by the team at Experience Institute, a learning studio igniting motivation and purpose through transformational learning experiences we call Leaps. Thanks for reading. We're glad you're here. 

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